Information detailed here has been sourced from other Historical and Mining organisations. It is accurate at the time of publishing but should be confirmed by the reader before taking action.
3 DAY FORUM: FRI 16 – SUN 18 MAY 2025
Venue for forum: Campbells Creek Community Centre, 60 Elizabeth St, Campbells Creek 3451
Venue for launch on Thursday May 15 at 6pm: Castlemaine Art Museum, 14 Lyttleton St, Castlemaine 3450
For organising this outstanding forum our heartfelt congratulations go to local history and community groups:
- Castlemaine Historical Society
- Castlemaine Society
- Maldon Museum
- Chewton Domain Society and
- Castlemaine Pioneers and Old Residents Association.
The 3-day forum includes a lecture series with field trips and workshops which will explore how the gold rush of the 1850s transformed Victoria – socially, economically, environmentally, and politically – with impacts that still shape the state of Victoria today. The men and women of the gold rush fundamentally changed the social and political order of the then British military colony. These people initiated parliamentary democracy and began the modern industrial society we have today. The huge amount of gold produced transformed the Victorian economy and underpinned the international financial system, however the mining also devastated much of the land and waterways and resulted in the clearing of vast tracts of the box-ironbark forests.
The gold rush drew thousands of people from around the world to Victoria, where they founded towns that still stand today — many of which continue to thrive, though in new and different ways. The Alchemy of Gold forum will explore how these changes played out, the impact the gold rush had on the First Nations people of the land and how the gold rush influenced the development of Victoria.
Whether you’re a history enthusiast or professional, or are curious about Victoria’s transformation, there will be plenty of opportunities to learn, engage, and ask questions.
We welcome you or your organisation to get involved in The Alchemy of Gold event and share your ideas for topics, speakers, workshops, or even sites for field trips. Or, simply let us know if you’re interested in attending and we’ll provide more details.
Copied from the Royal Historical Society of Victoria Newsletter, Dec 2024